Kat Flowers & Events
Weddings & Flower Walls
Wedding Florist, Flower Walls & Event Prop Hire
Trusted Local Florist
Same Day Delivery
Daily Fresh Flowers
Oakleigh, Melbourne Florist
Every flower bouquet delivered is created by one of our qualified, experienced and dedicated Melbourne florists. Place your trust in Melbourne’s flower experts, Kat Flowers.
Flower delivery in Melbourne, Oakleigh and Melbourne’s South East that you can count on.
Visit our florist shop at 277 Huntingdale Road, Oakleigh or shop online.
Best Selling Flowers and Gift Baskets
A selection of our popular roses, flowers and grazing boxes.
6 Roses in a Ceramic Vase$129.00
Mixed Flower Bouquet$119.00
Medium French Dessert Box$99.00
Large Grazing Box$159.00
Elegant Mixed Box$139.00
Medium Grazing Box$89.00
Melbourne Wedding & Event Florist
Kat Flowers is a leading Melbourne florist and events company specialising in wedding flowers and flowers for special events.
We provide bespoke and wedding packages to suit your requirements with a large range of bridal, wedding and reception flowers.
We also have a large selection of high-quality silk flower walls available for hire.
Our services also include candy cart hire, peacock chair hire, french chaise and French provincial tables for hire, plinths, cake stands and so much more.
We now offer huge ranges of –
- Wedding arches – round gold and silver, wooden traditional – dressed with flowers or plain.
- Preserved flowers.
- Wedding cakes.
- Centre pieces.
- Personalised seating charts and welcome signs.
- Wishing wells.
- Ceiling florals.
- House and church decoration and styling setup.

Flower Wall Hire and Delivery

We have a huge range of stunning flower walls available for hire for weddings or your next big event.
All of our Flower walls are handmade using only high-quality silk flowers of exceptional quality and are free-standing at very competitive pricing.
Wedding Packages & Flowers

Anna and her team of florists can create tailored florist and event packages for your special day.
Our wedding services and flowers include fresh or silk flowers, wedding bouquets and buttonholes, wedding flower walls, venue decoration and set up and much more.
Corporate Events & Displays

Kat Flowers & Events have a range of services for companies needing flowers and event props for the office or corporate functions.
Flower walls, balloon garlands, candy carts, peacock chairs and vintage furniture can be used for office events and office parties.

Special Event & Wedding Florist Packages
Contact us for a consultation about our wedding flowers and wedding reception packages.
Our services and flowers include fresh or silk flowers, wedding bouquets and button holes, wedding flower walls, venue decoration and set up and much more.
We will take care of all of you wedding day needs ensuring you special day goes exactly as planned.
Take a look at our wedding page for our complete range of wedding florist services.
Grazing, Dessert Boxes and Platters

Large Grazing Box
Large Grazing Box suitable for 6-10 guests.
Delivery across Melbourne (cost calculated at checkout).

Small Magical Dessert Box
Small Magical Desert Box – Suitable for 2-3 guests

Small Grazing Box
Small Grazing Box suitable for 2-3 guests
Delivery across Melbourne (cost calculated at checkout)
Order a Preserved Flower Arrangement

Pink Preserved Flower Arrangement
Pink Preserved Flower arrangement with two Pink Roses

Romantic Red Medium Preserved Arrangement
Romantic Red Medium Preserved Arrangement with two Roses.

Two Tones of Pink with a Touch of Gold
Two tone of Pink with a touch of gold – Medium

Teal Preserved Flower Arrangement
Teal Preserved Flower Arrangement.
with Turquoise washed ceramic pot.

Peacock Chair Hire
We have a range of Peacock Chairs available for hire for your special event.
Tailored to your requirements.
Delivery Melbourne Wide.

Candy Cart Hire
Candy Carts for hire that are perfect for weddings, christenings, engagements, private hire or any special occasion.
Pick up or delivery available.
About Kat Flowers
KAT Flowers & Events are high quality, low-cost floristry and events service based in Melbourne – catering to all your floristry needs. Anna and her team are qualified florists with 30 plus years experience in the flower and events industry.
Low overheads mean we can pass on the savings directly to you – saving you money and at the same time dealing with a professional, experienced, qualified team that has the time to personally prepare your flower order – ensuring everything turns out just perfect, on time every time.
Planning a wedding, engagement, 21st or another special event? We will tailor-make a set up to your needs and budget.
Our high-quality flower walls made from silk flowers and event props are available for hire for your all your special and corporate events.
Contact us now to discuss our peacock chairs, french chaises, french tables, plinths, candy carts, cake stands, wedding bouquets, buttonhole flowers, throw away bouquets, centrepieces, flower crowns and personalised flower boxes.
Contact us today for an appointment – we will take care of everything for you – your wedding or event will be the dream you always planned – just perfect.
Email us the flower designs you like and we will make these up for you – at a fraction of the cost of other florists!